Alistair Cooke has been played on 328 lists, including 13 lists in The 1999 Lee Atwater Invitational Dead Pool.

 List User Stiffs Points 
2.Dr. B 2USER0014600
3.gravediggers 1USER0045200
4.Groovechild 2USER0013400
5.HardangerHardanger Dies Today00
6.Hope FloatsUSER0032700
7.I just want to win a mugUSER0041000
8.jnik 2USER0035300
9.Mike KasenterUSER0045800
10.Theme Park ChickBibsPal00
11.TROLL 2Death Troll00
12.Von der Taaker's ParadisoUSER0001700
13.Wednesday 3Wednesday00


Guess the Stiff!


(d) February 25th, 2013