Art Linkletter has been played on 996 lists, including 13 lists in The 1998 Lee Atwater Invitational Dead Pool.

 List User Stiffs Points 
1.Andre Dupuy 1USER0285300
2.Bob & Dave 2USER0287300
3.Bruce H. SmithUSER0289300
4.Bryan Olson 3USER0289700
6.Frank SennettUSER0297900
7.Kathy Jacobsen 3USER0017300
8.Mark & Stephanie McCartyUSER0315100
9.Mary Lou B.USER0316200
10.MCB 2USER0317000
11.Mike Bradecamp 1USER0060200
12.Scott Robins 1USER0325500
13.Team PLATINUMUSER0330700


Guess the Stiff!

Finished second in MVP voting to Stan Musial. Sucks to be Johnny.

(d) November 7th, 2006