Bill Clinton has been played on 134 lists, including 14 lists in The 2019 Lee Atwater Invitational Dead Pool.

 List User Stiffs Points 
1.Dead LeadersThe Force is Deathening211
2.Time's Up, Buddyk8cat211
3.Norther Reaper List #1northern reaper110
4.A good year to dieDixie_Crystal19
5.Kaiah's Death's Doorkaiahlyric@gmail.com19
6.American AyHoles 19Ranger27516
7.Strange BedfellowsFood for Worms13
8.Bucket Kicking MastersTheJtizzle1300
9.Bunch of DicksRastafarian Mormon00
11.Politics at its bestNVRGVUP00
13.Sack of stonesMarshrat00


Guess the Stiff!

Vita e mobile, vita e mobile.

(d) September 10th, 1999