Charlie Sheen has been played on 261 lists, including 16 lists in The 2018 Lee Atwater Invitational Dead Pool.

 List User Stiffs Points 
1.What you talking about, Willis?aladas21219
3.Hope They Don't Kick The BucketRegor5150214
4.Thank you. Bye.Thank you. Bye.213
5.Grim Reaper 1TheGrimReaper212
6.RoseSouth GravesSuthernGraveyard26
7.My3jacks 2018my3jacks110
8.Double A's Dead Ringerslongbino18
9.Cross my heart and hope to dieCcantu90216
10.In the bagin the bag11
14.Drugs and Misspent youthzombiebait00
15.Guaranteed Win ListRealityRon6900
16.Smokin and TokinEllexx00


Guess the Stiff!

She wrote Drop Dead Bitch. That should do it.

(d) September 19th, 2015