Franjo Tudjman has been played on 44 lists, including 10 lists in The 1999 Lee Atwater Invitational Dead Pool.

 List User Stiffs Points 
1.Tape Dispenser 1DePressED315
2.Tape Dispenser 6DePressED314
3.The King 3USER00397215
4.Grim Rapper 1Grim Rapper18
5.Nurse Boy 4Nurseboy18
6.Tom's dead listUSER0041813
7.PD&C 1USER0051211
8.Gentleman Death 1USER0054500
9.Gentleman Death 3USER0054500
10.John WeickUSER0054700


Guess the Stiff!

Make room for Corpsie.

(d) November 28th, 2015