John O'Connor has been played on 328 lists, including 14 lists in The September '99 Lee Jr..

 List User Stiffs Points 
2.Worm's Wet DreamUSER02654212
3.Dem Bones 3USER00965211
4.Necro Phil's Tea Leaves of DoomUSER00017110
5.V.P. - 10 Tickets For The Promised LandUSER00965110
6.Bleeding UlcerUSER0276218
7.VMSBUM 4USER0052917
9.The Mexican Fireman's Kid: Hose-B 1USER0096513
10.DePressED 9USER0096512
11.Grim Rapper 1Grim Rapper00
12.Necro Phil's Succubitic OracleUSER0001700
13.The Mexican Fireman: Hose-A 7USER0096500
14.TV Nut Job 4USER0096500


Guess the Stiff!

She was a famous singer chick from Minnesota way
Both her sisters thought that she might be gay
She was plenty old at 94
But then her number came up and now she's here no more
She's in the ground now, placed there carefully
She the crusty, dusty singing chick in the cemetery

(d) January 30th, 2013