King Hussein has been played on 196 lists, including 21 lists in The September '98 Lee Jr..

 List User Stiffs Points 
1.Vicious piranha 6USER00023215
2.Vicious piranha 2USER00023213
3.Late SlotUSER00008212
5.Jarvis 3USER00215110
6.Pathetic Nut JobUSER0007219
7.Deathpool DaveDRave1317
8.T. Switala 1USER0002517
9.Vicious piranha 4USER0002316
10.Chester Minor 3USER0002800
13.Dem Bones 3USER0019200
14.DePressED 1DePressED00
15.Doulton 2USER0022400
16.Doulton 3USER0022400
17.JONATHAN 1Jon0006000
18.JONATHAN 2Jon0006000
19.JONATHAN 3Jon0006000
20.Necro PhilUSER0001700
21.The "Fun" in FuneralUSER0023400


Guess the Stiff!

In 1980, this entertainment mogul said of his $30 million flop Raise The Titanic, "It would have been cheaper to lower the Atlantic." We know what really killed him.

(d) December 13th, 1998