Morton Downey Jr. has been played on 133 lists, including 13 lists in The 1998 Lee Atwater Invitational Dead Pool.

 List User Stiffs Points 
1.Bag M. DanoUSER0286000
2.David BachmanUSER0293000
3.Gary HorowitzUSER0298700
4.Hoss "Dead-Eye" MinkmanUSER0300600
5.John HoomaniUSER0307700
6.Laura Gould 1USER0313000
7.Matt TerryUSER0035400
8.Nancy RonneUSER0319400
9.Randy RendfeldUSER0322100
10.Roni BlakUSER0324300
11.Team O.B.E. 4USER0330500
12.Tom BeckUSER0101900
13.Woody Nuss 2USER0334600


Guess the Stiff!

Bang! You're dead!

(d) December 27th, 2023