Shari Lewis has been played on 26 lists, including 16 lists in The August '98 Lee Jr..

 List User Stiffs Points 
1.The BagmanUSER00216426
2.Steve SilverUSER00063316
3.Vicious piranha 1USER00023316
4.Blackadder 1000002218
5.Blackadder 2000002218
6.Blackadder 3000002217
8.EllenT1Stones Girl110
9.Go, Starr , Go00000218
10.Mr. Impeachment00000218
11.Tourettes Dammit!!USER0002018
12.Ruh-Roh RaggyUSER0002017
13.Team ToastUSER0016017
14.Crunchy Toe JamUSER0002015
15.Shelley ByronUSER0014313
16.Mr BlondUSER0020611


Guess the Stiff!

Case closed.

(d) April 5th, 2015