William Manchester has been played on 139 lists, including 18 lists in The 2003 Lee Atwater Invitational Dead Pool.

 List User Stiffs Points 
1.Pepster 5USER01583217
2.Special K-Fried Chicken & PicklesUSER01535215
3.FTG: The Sword Is Mightier Than The PenFTG213
4.Mafia Actuary 14USER0137529
5.Special K-Do Not F*$@ With The LuaUSER0153529
6.POPE 03USER00108110
7.Mafia Actuary 02USER0137518
8.POPE 13USER0010818
9.The BagmanUSER0021617
10.The Dirt NappersUSER0128016
11.Chad - Thank God For Thalidomide!USER0111500
12.Escaped Hannibal LectorUSER0101900
13.Mafia Actuary 12USER0137500
14.NVN: Bury me boner side upNo Viagra Needed00
15.Please just dieUSER0067300
16.Roger Gowiththrottleup 2Roger Gowiththrottleup00
17.The Total Package's TombstonesUSER0128000
18.Unhealthy and UnamericanUSER0128000


Guess the Stiff!

And then there's mold.

(d) April 25th, 2009