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This list was submitted by moribundus on Thursday, December 24th, 2015 at 12:05 PM PST for The 2016 Lee Atwater Invitational Dead Pool.

Points Celebrity Date of Death Age 
10Kirk DouglasFebruary 5th, 2020103
9Stephen HawkingMarch 13th, 201876
8 Zsa Zsa Gabor December 18th, 201699
7Ross PerotJuly 9th, 201989
6John Paul StevensJuly 16th, 201999
5Ruth Bader GinsburgSeptember 18th, 202087
4Olivia de HavillandJuly 26th, 2020104
3Norman JewisonJanuary 20th, 202497
2Roberta McCainOctober 12th, 2020108
1Not Famous 
8 points 1 hit 


Guess the Stiff!

Aside from being Hillary's mom, she was - wait. Why is this chick famous again?

(d) November 1st, 2011